Garden Tiger Moth photographed by Gabor Pozsgai ©This site is no longer being updated.

We have retained it as a reference for future research.

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The full programme can be viewed here.

Monday 17 August 2015

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Wednesday 19 August 2015 (AECC)

  • 8:30am: Welcome Coffee - Boyd Orr Hall
  • 9am:  Working Group Session 1
  • 10:30am: Coffee - Boyd Orr Hall
  • 11am: Working Group Session 2
  • 12:30pm:  Lunch  - Boyd Orr Hall
  • 12:30pm: General Assembly of the European Society for Rural Sociology – Crombie B
  • 2:30pm: Parallel symposium “Land and community” - Gordon A
  • 2:30pm: Parallel symposium “Food security – for whom?” - Gordon B
  • 4pm: Coffee - Boyd Orr Hall
  • 4:30pm- 6pm: Working Group Session 3
  • 6pm- 8pm: Sociologia Ruralis editorial board meeting, AECC - Forbes Room
  • 7.30pm: Whisky tasting and fish supper event - Ashvale Restaurant, Aberdeen city centre
  • 7.30pm: Student and Early-career researcher evening, hosted by James Hutton Institute PhD students - Illict Still pub, Aberdeen city centre

Thursday 20 August 2015 (AECC)

  • 8:30am: Welcome Coffee - Boyd Orr Hall
  • 9am:  Working Group Session 4
  • 10:30am: Coffee - Boyd Orr Hall
  • 11am-12pm: Sociologia Ruralis Lecture – Fleming Auditorium
    • ​Chair: Bettina Bock, Editor of Sociologia Ruralis, Wageningen University
    • Invitation to the International Rural Sociology Congress 2016 – Geoff Lawrence, IRSA President, University of Queensland, Australia
    • Sociologia Ruralis Lecture, Prof Harriet Friedmann “Precipice and Possibility: A Food Regime Approach to Emergent Futures of Growing and Eating”​​​
    • This will be followed by the Sociologia Ruralis Best Paper 2013/2014 and Student Paper Awards
  • 12:15pm:  Buses leave for academic field trips around Aberdeenshire (returning between 7pm and 9pm)
    • Note:  Lunch for field trip participants is served on the field trip buses. Lunch for non-participants will be served in Boyd Orr Hall

Friday 21 August 2015 (AECC)

  • 8:30am: Welcome Coffee - Boyd Orr Hall
  • 9am: Working Group Session 5
  • 10:30am: Coffee - Boyd Orr Hall
  • 11am: Working Group Session 6
  • 12:30pm- 1:45pm: Lunch - Boyd Orr Hall
  • 12:30pm- 1:45pm: *Lunch with the authors - Boyd Orr Hall
  • 12:30pm- 1.45pm: Meeting of study group leaders - Crombie B
  • 1:45pm: Keynote Speakers – Fleming Auditorium
  • 3.15pm: Coffee - Boyd Orr Hall
  • 3.45pm-5.15pm: Working Group Session 7
  • 7pm:  Conference dinner - Aberdeen Beach Ballroom
    • Welcome from Aberdeen City Council
    • Ceilidh and address to the haggis
    • Awards presentation
    • Introduction of new ESRS executive

* There will be an opportunity to have lunch with the authors of some recent books by congress participants.