Garden Tiger Moth photographed by Gabor Pozsgai ©This site is no longer being updated.

We have retained it as a reference for future research.

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Two Page Submissions

Two page paper submissions (based on accepted abstracts) will be included in the on-line congress proceedings. Please note that submission of a two page paper is optional.  All accepted abstracts will be included in the on-line programme, but only two page papers will be included in the official congress proceedings.  Please use this template for submissions.

Two page paper submissions are due 1 May 2015, and are required for consideration for the access scholarships. Students who are applying for both the access award and student paper award should submit both a two page paper and the 8000 word full paper, as these will be reviewed separately.

The submissions system can be reached here.

The working group co-ordinators will review the papers and return comments to authors for revision by 31 May.  Final versions of the two page papers should be submitted by 20 June for inclusion in the congress proceedings.