Garden Tiger Moth photographed by Gabor Pozsgai ©This site is no longer being updated.

We have retained it as a reference for future research.

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Working Groups

The parallel sessions of the congress are organised into working groups. More information on the individual working groups can be found below:

Working Group 1: Turning possibility into reality? Alternatives to neoliberal rural policy

Working Group 2: What are the impacts and implications of alternative food practices in a post-neoliberal transition?

Working Group 3: Public goods in agriculture and rural areas: Negotiating the shared social and environmental dimensions

Working Group 4: Mapping agri-food

Working Group 5: Diversity of ageing in rural communities

Working Group 6: The future of rural and environmental expertise: Transdisciplinary knowledge(s), extension, and co-production for sustainability

Working Group 7: Visions of the Rural: A new subordination?

Working Group 8: Migration and rural social change

Working Group 9: The changing concept of territorial rural development

Working Group 10: Southern and Eastern rural Europe under neo-liberal restructuring: Challenges, resistances and emancipations

Working Group 11: Neoliberalism, the "good farmer" and well-being: The effect of neoliberal policy reforms on the culture of family farming

Working Group 12: Environmental justice and social dynamics: A new ‘balance on proximity'

Working Group 13: Visioning future European farming: Heritage protection, sustainable intensification and beyond

Working Group 14: The voluntary sector and welfare policies in rural areas

Working Group 15: Social capital, learning processes and social innovation in rural areas

Working Group 16: Rural responses to climate change: Challenge and opportunity in neoliberal times

Working Group 17: Promoting and sustaining rural wellbeing in a neoliberal world: Methods, case studies and critiques

Working Group 18: Rural development and the politics of fracking in Europe

Working Group 19: Contested models of land and property use and social relations:  Qualitative explorations

Working Group 20: Neoliberalism, financialization and rural change

Working Group 21: Global and local processes generating and reproducing rural poverty

Working Group 22: Rural gentrification: cross-national comparisons

Working Group 23: Pluralistic rural gender relations: International perspectives on gender and rural development

Working Group 24: Animalising rural societies: Human-animal entanglements in a neoliberal world

Working Group 25: Education and rural development

Working Group 26: How can new forms of food governance contribute to creating alternative economic spaces for the revitalisation of rural areas?