Garden Tiger Moth photographed by Gabor Pozsgai ©This site is no longer being updated.

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Pre-congress Workshop Agenda

Innovative Digital Technologies and Visual Methods for Social Research

17-18 August, James Hutton Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, AB15 8QH


Monday 17th August          

9:30am onwards          Coffee served

  • Pick up some post-its and add to the board ‘what I want to get out of the workshop’

10am - 10:15am           Welcome

10:15am -10:30am       Ice breaker                     

10:30am - 12pm          Panel presentations 1

4 key speakers present for 15 minutes each on their research, focusing on the state of the art of visual technologies applications and social theories developments. 

  • Eric Laurier (University of Edinburgh): Using video in social research
  • Anne Galloway (Victoria University of Wellington): Using drones in social research
  • Katrina Mryvang Brown (James Hutton Institute): Using innovative mobile and visual methods in social research
  • Helen Lomax (University of Northampton): Windows on the world? Images, audiences and productive contexts re-framed 
  • Discussant: Gillian Rose (Open University).

12pm – 12:30pm         Panel discussion 1

  • A facilitated group discussion with questions to the panel

12:30pm - 1:15pm       Lunch

1:15pm - 2 pm            Lighting presentations and posters

  • The Visual Approach of Reflexive Photography to investigate perspectives of landscape by farmers in Central Switzerland, Rike Stotten, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria
  • A Photovoice story of the impact of oyster farming in northern Vietnam through the lens of five 'capitals', Janine Pierce, Guy Robinson, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia
  • The role of ‘taste’ in the production and consumption of Scottish agricultural landscapes:  Introducing the ‘parish study’ method, Lee-Ann Sutherland, Social Economic and Geographical Sciences Group, James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen
  • Exploring Everyday Globalization with Digital and Visual Methods, Michael Woods, Aberystwyth University
  • Strengths and Weaknesses of Visual Choice Experiments, Kati Häfner, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF)
  • Ethical concerns of doing participatory video with Roma in Hungary, Anna Augustyn, Visiting researcher at Hungarian Academy of Sciences

2pm - 4pm           Hands-on session

  • Concurrent demos of technologies in small groups with 15-20 minutes at each station in a carousel style.
  • Session 1:  choose to attend two demonstrations
  • Session 2:  choose to attend two demonstrations

4pm – 4:15pm        Coffee break

4:15pm – 5:15pm    Methodological opportunities and challenges session

5:30pm       Bus leaves to return people to their accommodation

7pm - late               Dinner  at the Nargile Restaurant, 77-79 Skene Street, Aberdeen AB10 1QD                      

Tuesday 18th August

9am onwards               Coffee served

9:15am - 10:45am        Session 1

Group discussions on the topics of:

  • Ethics of visual technologies based research (Led by Anne Galloway)
  • Participatory research and visual technologies  (Led by Helen Lomax)         

10:45am - 11am           Coffee break

11am - 12:30pm           Session 2     

  •  Open topic to be decided through discussions from day one.  (Led by Dominic Duckett)                     

12:30pm - 1:30pm         Lunch

1:30pm - 2:30pm           Future possibilities

General discussion on:

  • Reflections on the  future of visual technologies in rural research (where could they contribute to research), and;                                      
  • Potential for future inter/transdisciplinary collaborations.

2:30pm - 2:40pm           Closing remarks

  • Katrina Brown

2.40pm                              Depart for University of Aberdeen ESRS opening ceremony